L&Q Group | Leading Housing Association & Residential Developer

Am I eligible for mutual exchange?

If you hold a secure, assured or fixed-term tenancy and have completed any probationary period, you are eligible to exchange your property with:

• an L&Q tenant
• a tenant from another housing association
• a local council tenant

Permission must be given by both landlords before an exchange date can be agreed.

Even after you have permission to exchange, if your rent account is in arrears the exchange cannot take place.

We will not unreasonably withhold permission to exchange. The most common reasons for refusal include:

• the new property will have too many bedrooms
• the new property will not have enough bedrooms
• legal action is in progress
• the new property has been designed or adapted for a specific purpose

For example, for a person with a physical disability or as sheltered accommodation for older people.

If you are eligible and have found someone to exchange with, please complete our mutual exchange request form (PDF).

Alternatively, if you're eligible and searching for an exchange, please follow our how to find a mutual exchange process.

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