L&Q Group | Leading Housing Association & Residential Developer

What can I do to be a considerate neighbour when living in a flat or maisonette?

When you live very close to your neighbours in a block of flats it is easy for difficulties to arise if people are inconsiderate or behave unreasonably.

Most of the problems we have to deal with at L&Q are complaints about noise. Noise travels easily between flats so please bear this in mind, particularly late at night and early in the morning.

Everyone who lives in a block can use the shared hallways, gardens and drying areas so please keep these areas tidy and free from rubbish.

You can also help by doing the following:

• get to know your neighbours and other people in the local community
• regularly clean the landing and stairs near your flat if it's in your tenancy agreement
• make sure the stairs and landings are not blocked by items such as toys, bicycles, rubbish sacks or prams
• make sure the buildings entry-door closes behind you
• do not wedge open entry-doors
• do not let anyone through an entry-door who you do not know
• always put your rubbish in the bins we provide, do not leave it outside your home
• do not lay laminated flooring in your flat as this can cause a noise nuisance to the people living below
• make sure your children do not play in the shared hallways, stairs, balconies or doorways
• tell your housing officer if you see someone dumping rubbish

For your safety and others:

• do not store petrol, bottled gas, paraffin heaters or other flammable materials in your home, on your balcony or in shared areas
• do not throw, or allow other people to throw things from your flat or maisonette - including cigarette butts
• in the event of a fire – call the fire brigade on 999 immediately
• in the event of a fire – try to alert everyone else in the block without putting yourself or your family in danger 
• in the event of a fire – if you can safely get to a fire alarm, break the glass and set it off to alert others
• in the event of a fire – leave the building as quickly as possible, closing all doors behind you and using stairs instead of the lifts

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